7 things you should never say through social media
Joi, Flickr Everyone and their great-grandmother is on Facebook these days, celebrities are tweet-fighting with their children, and normal people can’t seem to stop broadcasting every trivial detail...
View Article7 things you should never do in public
Kashirin Nickolai, Flickr We all have secret habits and weird tendencies that only come out when we’re home alone with the doors double-bolted and the curtains closed. You’re not the only one who does...
View Article7 Facebook photos that will get you defriended
moria, Flickr Considering that I’m only real-life friends with about a ninth of my Facebook friends, I spend a lot of time getting to know my Facebook friends based solely on their profile choices....
View Article7 keys to a successful one-night stand
victoriapeckham, Flickr Maybe your girlfriend just dumped you or maybe you haven’t had sex since the 90′s or maybe you’re just really horny. Whatever the case may be, WebMd claims that there is no cure...
View Article7 things women are worried about on a first date
spaceodissey, Flickr Have you ever been out on a date with a woman and gotten the feeling she’s not listening to anything you’re saying? Trust me, she’s trying very hard to focus on the words coming...
View Article7 ways to spot a former frat boy
soundfromwayout, Flickr Despite chugging away 90% of their college experience, the majority of fraternity members do graduate from college, obtain employment, and live among us in the real world. They...
View Article7 ways to ensure you’ll be single for the rest of your life
Beau Giles, Flickr Everyone in our society is so focused on meeting the right person, finding your soul mate, and giving a love testimonial on the e-Harmony commercials. But what about the people who...
View Article7 tips for getting a second date
iMorpheus, Flickr Almost all single women will accept an invitation to go on a date provided the guy isn’t a registered sex offender or Michael Lohan. However getting that elusive “yes” to a second...
View Article7 male fashion trends that never should have happened
sporkist, Flickr Fashion is constantly evolving from season to season and therefore it’s inevitable that among all the awesome fads and great new styles, a few horrific trends pop-up. And it’s always...
View Article7 things in your apartment that will scare a woman away
jma.work, Flickr The second a woman walks into your apartment after a date (or drunken bar make-out), you can usually assume you’ll at least be getting to second base. However, just because she’s...
View Article6 signs you spend too much time online
Mark Mrwizard, Flickr It’s easy to get addicted to the Internet. One day you’re responding to a Facebook wall post and the next you’re running a successful farm with over 46 different crops. In fact,...
View Article7 types of people who ruin watching a movie
City of Marietta, GA, Flickr Movie ticket prices have skyrocketed in the past few years and most people are forced to choose between buying a movie ticket or paying rent. Therefore when people go to...
View Article6 things every girl is afraid to do in front of her man
Wasyou, Flickr Moving in together is a huge step for any couple. While the guy might worry his Xbox will be replaced with a stack of Oprah magazines, we’re stressing about losing all of our privacy....
View Article7 types of annoying female behavior explained
lululemon athletica, Flickr There’s no doubt women can be nice to look at or great to feel up, but we sure can be hard to understand. We say things we don’t mean, we do things we don’t want to, and we...
View Article7 of the worst ways to propose to a woman
BuzzFarmers, Flickr Being engaged is all about going to cake tastings, being forced to have an opinion on centerpieces, and answering “how did you propose” about one billion times. Women expect to hear...
View Article7 surefire ways to ruin this year’s Thanksgiving
Philms, Flickr Thanksgiving offers families a wonderful opportunity to come together and celebrate a good year over a great meal — or so the movies claim. But if you’re sitting in your childhood...
View Article7 events you should avoid at all costs
Ryan Resella, Flickr Life is short — or so the liberal media claims. Don’t waste yours attending bad events. Instead, spend your time coming up with creative excuses for why you can’t attend...
View Article7 things you should never share about yourself
*clarity*, Flickr Everyone has weird quirks, odd habits, and the occasional (illegal) sexual fetish. You’re not alone in collecting your dust bunnies in a jar or hating your parents because you walked...
View Article7 of the worst things about the holiday season
pixajen, Flickr The holiday season is absolutely wonderful in theory — the spiked drinks, the purposefully placed mistletoe, the memory of work bonuses that no longer exist. But in real life it’s a...
View Article7 New Year’s resolutions everyone ends up breaking
BluEyedA73, Flickr New Year’s resolutions are a bigger joke than Tiger Woods’ wedding vows. Just because it’s a new year doesn’t automatically make you any more ambitious or any less lazy. So unless...
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